

ReLiable News:

R. Younesi, G. M. Veith, P. Johansson, K. Edström, T. Vegge, Lithium Salts for Advanced Lithium Batteries: Li-metal, Li-O2, and Li-S, Energy & Environ. Sci., DOI: 10.1039/C5EE01215E (2015)



ReLiable: Reversible Lithium-Air Batteries 

Project Objective:

To develop new, high-capacity, reversible Li-air batteries for use in a sustainable energy infrastructure by:

  • Designing and synthesizing novel electrode materials from an atomic-scale understanding of the fundamental reaction mechanisms.
  • Characterizing the electrode-electrolyte interfaces in situ and identifying degradation mechanisms

  • Producing, testing and optimizing Li-air cells and BMS systems.  

Project Duration and Timing: 4.5 years, January 2012 to June 2016 


Read the article "A light-weight match for fossil fuels" by professor Tejs Vegge about lithium-air batteries.



Funded by

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The Innovation Fund Denmark has funded this project (0603-00462B) with 18.9 MDkr.  (2,5 MEuro) over 4.5 years.


Project Manager:
Professor Tejs Vegge
Head of Section for “Atomic scale Modelling and Materials”
DTU Energy Conversion

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